Searching for The New York Times
July 14, 2004
By Adam L. Penenberg, assistant professor, New York University, and the assistant director of the Business and Economic Reporting program in the department of journalism.
"'How can the mighty
New York Times, which considers itself America's paper of record, be the paper of record in cyberspace when its articles barely show up on Google,' the story asks. The answer is easy. Because the
New York Times pulls much of its content behind password protection after about a week. If the page is no longer accessible, people can no longer link to it (which helps with search ranking), and the actual content of the story is lost.
NYT apparently doesn't care, figuring that the money it makes off of archive sales and database searches is more important than Google traffic. Plus, not mentioned is the fact that many stories will show up within Google News for up to a month through a special crawling deal that's been arranged with Google."
Need to find a NYT article? Don't forget your public or academic library databases! With your library card or university ID, you can search library databases from your home or office. Ask @ your library's Circulation Desk.